Mental Health Self-Assessment

Answer the following questions to assess your mental health:

1. Do you often feel overwhelmed or anxious?

2.Have you noticed a significant change in your sleep patterns (e.g., trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or oversleeping)?

3.Are you frequently irritable or easily agitated?

4.Have you lost interest in activities you once enjoyed?

5. Do you have trouble concentrating or making decisions?

6.Have you experienced a significant change in your appetite or weight (e.g., eating more or less than usual)?

7.Do you feel persistently sad or down, even when there's no apparent reason?

8.Have you had thoughts of harming yourself or ending your life?

9.Are you experiencing unexplained physical symptoms (e.g., headaches, stomachaches) that don't have a clear medical cause?

10.Do you avoid social interactions or isolate yourself from others?

11.Have you experienced traumatic events or severe stressors recently?

12.Do you engage in harmful behaviors, such as substance abuse or self-harm?

13.Are you constantly worried about the future or things that might happen?

14.Do you have difficulty managing your anger or controlling your temper?

15.Have you noticed changes in your energy levels (e.g., feeling excessively tired or agitated)?